I have always been an avid photographer. It's my life time hobby and I enjoy taking photos, looking at it and find ways to take even better photographs. I know you can make money with your photos but I don't know how, not until now. There are thousands of photos and it can be quite costly too. Developing and printing the photos cost me a bomb. Now enters the digital age, and it has cost me next to nothing besides the initial cost of the camera.

Digital Cameras.

Which digital camera to buy? How much and what image resolutions I needed? Its rather daunting. Most cameras nowadays have very good image quality even at 3M (mega pixels). Compact cameras even boasts up to 12 mega pixels or more at a fraction of the cost 5 year's ago.

Recently I bought one superzoom compact for around $410.00. Its a Canon SX20 IS Superzoom compact. Its big, more like a DSLR (digital single lens reflex) camera but it serves my purpose. Oh yes, I have a small Sony compact as well and most of my snapshots that made money for me are from this particular compact camera.

Earning Money with your Camera.
You need to know some basics in taking good photographs. Some photos will sell and some won't. Nature, landscapes, people, animals, food and wildlife are good sellers. Learn the diffferent techniques and How To Take Good Digital Photos. Read some good books or take up some short courses with ebooks.

Sell photos to sites which pay you for your photographs. Check out DigicamCash for more infos. Submit photos to social sites such as Redgage amd Mylot where they will pay you for uploading photos on their sites. I am members of both Redgage and Mylot and I have earn good money from Redgage. This site pays you with their own Redgage Visa card. I have been with Redgage for 4 months and they have paid me almost $60.00 mainly for my photo uploads.

Some good books and guides:-

Digicamcash - How to take photos and submit for cash.

Photo techniques - Take better photos and improve your skills.

Profit Photography - Start up and sell your photos.

Redgage raffles are back.

I have been quite active since the day I joined Redgage about 4 months ago. For the first 2 months I was busy uploading contents and photos. My efforts paid off when Redgage featured 5 of my photos and paid me for it. Very soon I applied for a withdrawal of my earnings. Yes, one has to reach minimum $25.00 before withdrawal is possible.

With the withdrawal of $25.00 I get to receive a debit Visa card from Redgage too!. One and a half months wasn't all that long to wait. They sent the Visa card through courier service. I was quite surprised because the last 3 debit Mastercard I received from the US was "dump" into my letterbox! But my Visa card from Redgage was handed to me personally and I have to sign for it. This ought to be the proper way to do things. Redgage done all they promise they will do. They sent me the Visa card with my earnings already credited in. Mind you, they did mentioned they will deduct a first time fee of $5.00 which they promptly did, so my balance was $20.00.

My earnings was getting sluggish because Redgage stopped the raffles! But now the raffles are back ! Raffle is an important part in earning money faster. Without it, its a bit like Google ads where your earnings built up very slowly through page-views only.

Now that the raffles are back, I have bought a new camera to take more photos to be uploaded to Redgage and write more articles for uploading. Hopefully I can win one of those daily raffles of $25.00. I have not won a single raffle in the 4 months I joined Redgage, but I am determined to win at least one, hopefully.

If you want to find out more on this amazing site, read my earlier posts on Redgage. Or better still, join Redgage for FREE and start earning money and get a Free Visa debit card too!

Find out more or join Redgage .... here.

If for some reason you do not find any referral name in the sign-up box, please add in "allan2828" as your referral.

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